Photo Credit: Sean Qiu

Sanjay Raj Singh

Senior Economist

Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco

San Francisco CA 94105


Phone: (415)-974-3018

Associate Professor

Department of Economics

​University of California

Davis CA 95616


Phone: (530)-752-9938

Curriculum Vitae

Google Scholar

Research Statement PDF [July 2023]

Research Interests: Macroeconomics, International Finance, Productivity Growth

Recent Media

Jordà, Singh, & Taylor “The Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy” frbsf working paper

Jordà, Singh, & Taylor “Longer-run Economic Consequences of Pandemics” w26934.pdf

Eggertsson, Mehrotra, Singh, & Summers "A Contagious Malady? Open Economy Dimensions of Secular Stagnation"  published draft

​​Working Papers​

(with Emile A. Marin)

June 2024

(with Sushant Acharya and Keshav Dogra)

May 2023

  (with Yumeng Gu)

  February 2024 

  (with James Cloyne, Òscar Jordà, and Alan M. Taylor)

  February 2024 (draft available upon request, coming soon)

Publications / Articles Accepted for Publication

      The Review of Economics and Statistics, accepted.

(with Òscar Jordà and Alan M. Taylor)

July 2024

Won the Dr. Subir V Gokarn Best Paper Award at 19th Macroeconomics and Finance Conference

Replication Code

Review of Economic Studies, Volume 91, Issue 5, October 2024.

(with Jean-Paul L'Huillier and Donghoon Yoo)

American Economic Journal: Macroeconomics, forthcoming

(with Pablo Cuba-Borda) 

Online Appendix with additional results

The Review of Economic Studies, Volume 90, Issue 6, November 2023, Pages 2822–2879.

(with Nicolas Caramp)

Won the Best Paper Award at the Delhi Winter School 2020

IMF Economic Review, Vol. 72(1), pages 152-195, March 2024.

(with Katheryn N Russ and Jay C Shambaugh)

European Economic Review, January 2024, 161, 104617.

(with Antonio Fatás)

Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 104 (1), pp 166–175, January 2022

(with Òscar Jordà and Alan M. Taylor)

Journal of Monetary Economics, Vol 117, pp. 871–886, January 2021​

(with Vaishali Garga)

Online Appendix with proofs, additional results on fiscal policy, empirics, and quantitative

Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, Vol 105, pp. 21–43, August 2019

(with Gauti Eggertsson)

India Policy Forum 2019, Vol 16: 1–47

(with Aeimit Lakdawala)

IMF Economic Review, Vol. 64(4), pp. 581–634, December 2016

(with Gauti Eggertsson, Neil Mehrotra and Larry Summers)

Oxford Research Encyclopedia in Economics and Finance, July 2023.

(with Xiangtao Meng and Katheryn N Russ)
